Design Guide

Welcome to the ultimate nail art design guide! Our tier system allows you to choose the perfect nail art design based on your personal style and preferences.

From simple and elegant to bold and daring, we've got you covered.

We use only the best products and techniques to deliver stunning nail art that lasts. Check out our guide and elevate your nail game today!

One Colour - £36

One plain block colour manicure or up to ten block colours.

Tier One - £41

Simple shapes added on top of a sheer base, such as with a French manicure, or with simple patterns or a slightly more detailed accent nail.

Tier Two - £46

These designs are more advanced than tier one, and require a little more time and skill. They include chrome only on BIAB, ombre and gradients, and the use of some glitter.

Tier Three - £55

Designs that require tier three complexity involve detailed planning, the use of various products, colours, and techniques, as well as intricate painting on every nail. This includes glitter encapsulation, chrome, and art on top of a French manicure.

Tier Four - £65+

This is the most advanced level of nail art, featuring all hand-painted designs. This tier includes complex planned designs with fine line work and realistic painting - making it the most intricate level of nail art.